Getting involved
Attend weekly zoom meeting

For new members or potential members who would like to get in touch with the party members and find out what’s going on, please email and we’ll invite you to the next zoom meeting in your area.
It’s a great opportunity to get to know other members, find out what we stand for and prepare for the next round of elections.
Study the issues
I don’t know much about politics, where do I begin?
This section on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is designed to help you to:
1. learn about the Christian Party;
2. see the need for Christian politics;
3. brush up on the current issues;
4. direct you to our detailed policies.
Get coaching to speak in public
Our winter programme of Public Conversations has concluded and the next phase in our local programme is to provide coaching to develop personal Christian conversation in your daily life.
1. we need Christian voices in public;
2. we need faith, courage and Christian conviction to speak up; but
3. this needs training because there are so few Christian mentors in the public arena.
There are many advantages to having a Christian political party, and one of these is to provide training in personal development to have a Christian voice. Even the best need coaching. The best sporting personalities have multiple coaches.
Get involved in your local community
There is so much we can get involved with in our local area – with businesses, schools, youth projects, community projects, local hospital, community care, mother and toddler groups, the arts, sporting clubs, teams and events, twinning organisations….it’s endless
Whatever is going on in your community, your town or your city, get involved. Get to know the journalists and photographers. Get to know the churches and pastors. Attend local council meetings and find out the issues of concern. Read the papers. Read online. There is a job for you there. Find your passion. Find the need and fill it. As Arnold Schwarnenegger says ‘Be Useful’
We’re looking for community focused, business minded Christians who want to make a difference in their local community. We can take you from the side lines and help you become the decision maker. We have seen positive changes across the UK in our local communities because Christians have:
- Written business plans
- Rescued a public building for entertainment and events
- Stopped a multi-million pound incinerator project, informed 120,000 people of the truth of the damage it can cause, and exposed the manipulation behind the plans
- Called other political leaders to account
- Represented and spoken on behalf of our town in the UK and Europe
- Stood in elections at every level of office in the UK since 2006
- Persuaded other party candidates around to our way of thinking e.g. marriage debate
- Created new tourism events which benefited our local communities e.g. Cycle Fest, European Food Market
- Established several Christian schools in London and Scotland
- Taken over leadership roles in a local council, a scout group, a tourism regeneration project and the Chamber of Trade & Tourism
- Debated in hustings, on radio and TV and other events
- Spoken on US radio on Dr. Brown’s The Line of Fire
- Written numerous press articles and regular blogs
- Been a constant media voice on current issues
- Supported a legal team in the High Court against the government
- Petitioned the European Court of Human Rights over a Christian freedom issue
We need people with skills in all policy areas to help develop our manifesto. We need people willing to speak on behalf of the party. We need people willing to debate wherever there’s an opportunity. Are you willing to stand up for your local community in local elections and put yourself forward as a candidate ? It’s time we had people with common sense, integrity and passion running our country again.
Get coaching to speak in public
Our winter programme of Public Conversations has concluded and the next phase in our local programme is to provide coaching to develop personal Christian conversation in your daily life.
1. we need Christian voices in public;
2. we need faith, courage and Christian conviction to speak up; but
3. this needs training because there are so few Christian mentors in the public arena.
There are many advantages to having a Christian political party, and one of these is to provide training in personal development to have a Christian voice. Even the best need coaching. The best sporting personalities have multiple coaches.
Use your vote well
Will I waste my vote on a new Party? Here’s something to ponder. Besides, is any vote proclaiming Christ’s Lordship wasted? Further, you could waste it voting for a mainline Party. How? Click here to find out.