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Our policies

Standing for our Christian heritage

Most people enter politics with the desire to make a significant difference. Activity is not the same as doing something significant.  Jesus taught us that we can do nothing spiritually useful ‘apart from’ Him.  British political parties have ignored this basic truth. They are not rooted in Christ and are therefore unlikely to achieve lasting good in God’s eyes. The result has been policies and laws that have been detrimental to our society.

For example, Communism was widely believed in the 19th century to be good and fair philosophy, more or less in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ. But the foundation of Communism is atheistic secularism. As time went on, as sure as night followed day, that ungodly root led to such widespread evil and murder that few people claim to be a Communist today. In the same way, secularism has now clearly begun to produce evil in our society.  It will get worse and worse unless together we stop it.  Yet all the major political parties embrace secular policies.

The Christian Party is a political party comprising Christians who seek to serve their country and all their fellow citizens in a professional manner in the political arena. Without compromising our faith we seek to serve all – regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation – giving respect to those who do not share our faith, while in turn expecting them to respect us and others.

The Christian Party believes that there is a clear majority in the United Kingdom who treasure our Christian heritage, even if they are not active church members. However, a secular elite who are hostile to this heritage now dominates the main political parties. They want to destroy what is left of our country’s Christian culture and legacy.

The secular agenda has clearly created the problems in our society which everyone can see, and it will only become worse unless we rise up together to recover the Christian values that made Britain great. However, other political parties seem to embrace this secular agenda.

Goodwill towards others is the cement that creates social cohesion, but political correctness is promoting intolerance. It is generating fear and division in neighbourhoods and communities.

As a political party, we will promote goodwill and toleration between all groups in this country, with Christian grace instead of the heavy hand of legal penalties and the megaphone diplomacy in our international relations.

Britain was once renowned for freedom of speech, but the secular agenda aims to close down debate using the sanctions of the law. Secularists tell us to accept people as they are, but they will not accept people who do not agree with them.

Unless we protect our hard-won freedoms, we will see the culture of fear and intimidation continue to increase.

Making laws does not give the motivation to keep these laws. Jesus teaches us a better way – to change our hearts. He gives us the opportunity to choose life instead of the death culture we see all around us – abortion, euthanasia, the teenage gang culture and islamic terrorism.

If we are to weed out the corruption in our society, we need to change hearts. It used to be said that people need jobs, housing and education, but the country was brought to the edge of bankruptcy by highly educated people, in top jobs, living inexpensive houses. There is something missing, and that is the Christian contribution to society. Max Weber demonstrated that capitalism developed in Protestant Europe, but since then the Christian content has been stripped out of capitalism with disastrous results, just as it has been stripped out of education in our schools, and the caring professions with similarly disastrous results.

This is what the Christian Party will contribute to the debate to solve the lack of cohesion in our communities and improve the sanctions in our legislative process. The current process has legislated the soul out of our country.

We are for choice and freedom of expression instead of the fear, divisiveness, over-regulation, and suppression served up by the successive governments in recent decades.

Most people in Britain appreciate our Christian culture and have little time for the secular minority who aim to wreck it. Their so-called post-Christian era is non-existent because the Lord Jesus Christ has said that He will be with His church till the end of the world (Matthew 28:20).

Wishing you the Lord’s rich blessing,

Jeff Green
Leader of the Christian Party

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